The Jewellery Edit: Swan Lake collection.. By De Beers…

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Stunning design..  Dream worthy piece by De Beers…

The colour, the gemstones, the shapes, and the elegant design make this necklace very alluring.

I love it. I want it. I could possibly convince myself that I need it. Although there is one thing stopping me from buying it.

The Price.

There is no mention of the price on their online eboutique. So, I assume it’s because they are alluring me back to their store to find out… well… it’s working… Many years ago I visited their De Beers store in Hong Kong and it was the most amazing retail experience.

The Swan Lake collection by De Beers is inspired by the grace of a prima ballerina. The website describes the collection as follows:

‘It is said that a ballerina will only reach her prime if she dances the part of Odette and Odile, the shapes of the prima’s perfect moving form and the balance of the dancing formation of the corps of swans is core to the harmony of the necklace. Each rare and stunning diamond is positioned to bring out its character and life, its unique brilliance living up to its shape and size.’

Here are a few more pictures of pieces from the collection that we can all dream of owning. One day…

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